A New Look, Same Great Company


In the past year, we have been working diligently to develop new company websites. In the process of developing these sites, it became apparent to us that we needed to create multiple sites that would better direct our customers. The significant amount of diversity of the company caused us to create three internal, marketable divisions of Abrams Airborne: AAMI Aerospace and Defense, AAMI Commercial and Medical and AAMI Weapons. All of these webpages, in addition to VLTOR Weapon Systems and Milkor USA, Inc., will also be accessible by a company gateway page that will soon be found at


Employment at Abrams Airborne


Our employees and staff are our biggest asset here at Abrams Airborne. We pride ourselves on finding good people through a thorough hiring process and retaining those valuable staff members as a part of our team. Although Abrams Airborne is not currently actively recruiting for any open positions, we are always willing to take a look at your resume and see if you may be a good fit for our team...


Forty-Nine Years and Not a Dull Moment Yet


Abrams Airborne celebrated their 49th year of business this year. It was a fun celebration with an extended lunch and giveaways for our employees. While the managers of the business cooked hamburgers and hot dogs for all the employees, long-time employees and new employees were able to mingle and share stories. For many of the long term employees, some of them having been with the company for 30+ years, it's a time to reminisce about old memories and the road that has led the company to where it is today. For the newer members of the Abrams team, it is a chance to meet new staff members and interact closer with the management staff. ...
